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Showing posts with label Medical cannabis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Medical cannabis. Show all posts

Cannabis & Independence Day: Have A ‘Canna-tastic’ 4th Of July!

Cannabis & Independence Day: Have A ‘Canna-tastic’ 4th Of July!

The weekend of the 4th of July is nearing!

Your grill is all set, and the world is roaring with scorching heat! It means only one thing- Independence Day 2020 will be the most freakish and extraordinary one!

Typically, this day goes synonymous with beer, hot dogs, and fireworks. But, we have a new addition to gang this year- Cannabis. Finally, cannabis is legal in most of the states of the United States. It has speedily become a mainstay of the summer bash!

Whether you are igniting up your barbeque or hitting it off with beer, a healthy amount of cannabis is the ideal way to complement your 4th July festivities. I am sure you have your Medical Marijuana Card in San Francisco to buy cannabis!

How about a cannabis-themed party at home? Of course, you cannot invite many of your friends due to the coronavirus pandemic! But, you cannot let the spirit inside you get dull. Find new and innovative ways to make this day special more than any year!

Special Significance of 4th July 2020

This year Independence day, we have a lot to celebrate! There are some good and bad things addressing this day as even more exceptional.

We owe a little celebration to ourselves. It's been chaos in the world since the beginning of this year! It began with Australian Forest fire to Tsunamis to Cyclones to Floods to Hurricanes to COVID-19. We have been through a tough time. In addition to this, many states are recognizing on legalizing cannabis.

Who would’ve conceived once ill-reputed drug would gain such impulse and a spot in 7 out of 10 American lives? This day, we reflect upon the struggles of thousands of Americans who made cannabis legalization achievable. Now, the US serves more than 2 million American patients with medical cannabis treatments.

Research is underway to discover more medicinal uses for cannabis. Though in the US, research is quite limited because cannabis is still illegal on the federal level. While the differences occurred are revolutionary. Cannabis legalization and the cannabis industry still need our help!

Get this Party Started!

Quench your thirst with Canna-drinks!

Let us skip on beer this year! Now, you may think about what is a party without booze. Well, substitute beer with cannabis-infused drinks on this 4th of July 2020. Best of all, they will not make you hungover.

So, call up your favorite dispensary and ask about the options in canna-drinks. You will be startled by the number of options you will uncover! Purchasing cannabis-drinks will not only help you cope with heat but also give you an array of effects. It is classic for watching fireworks, grilling, or just relishing with friends and family!

Light up your flower

If cannabis drinks are not your cup of tea, how about smoke-ables? While everyone is busy with fireworks, light yourself a pure joint at that moment! It will not make you intriguing and have an awe-inducing impact on you. But, I am sure that smoking a joint will make watching your friends and family playing with fireworks visually more stimulating.

And if you want to consume your cannabis discreetly, try vaping! It mellows you out and makes you more relaxed. Also, it makes you feel the celebration night as beyond perfect! Be careful to not get too high. You will end up couch-locked and gradually fall asleep- missing all the fun!

Unwind and take a Dab-Dab

As the night winds down, most of us love to relax and prepare for the next day. Probably, most of us have no official work the morning after. Whereas others may have an important meeting or some personal work to carry out.

That’s where 'dabbing' comes into the picture. Taking a few dabs at the end of the night will help you to unravel and get a good night’s sleep. Next morning, your friends and family will be all hungover, and you will be grateful for dabbing. You will wake up all rested and ready to take on the day! If you have dabbed before, you know what strains to work well for your relaxation and muscle relief!

Remember to be responsible, no matter how you choose to celebrate your 4th of July. Wishing you all an excellent holiday, and a canna-tastic celebration of our Independence!

Also Read: How Can You Benefit From A Medical Cannabis Card?

420 Doctors in Fullerton will Tell you How Exactly Cannabis Relieves Pain

You have most probably heard stories behind the effectiveness of medical marijuana. How it helps in simplifying the symptoms of severe conditions. How a lady was relieved from the pain of arthritis after using medical marijuana. There are tons of similar stories either covered by journalists, explained by 420 doctors in Fullerton, or easily available on the internet. 

The fact that medical marijuana is being recognized for medicinal use is in itself daunting. The process of endless research and doctors specializing in the same field to understand its effects - evidently proves that the future of marijuana in the medicinal world will be worthy. So let us find out how that lady who made the news was helped by medical cannabis. 

Medical Marijuana is a Good Distractor

Psychology plays a major role in deciding the intensity of pain. You might have witnessed that when you are alone the intensity of pain increases naturally. But when you are with a bunch of friends you are distracted from feeling the pain. In other words, your mind is playing tricks with you.

Similarly, marijuana will reward and motivate you by attaching itself to some of the receptors in the brain. Some of the strains that are higher in THC will hit you hard causing a euphoria. This way you will be distracted from the pain. Just like the times when you were watching Game of Thrones and the pian simmered down for a little while. 

The History of Medical Marijuana

In 2900 B.C. the Chinese civilization used cannabis for medicinal purposes. Written Chinese texts have been found claiming that marijuana was used for medicinal purposes.  Not only this around the 1000 year B.C. three specific flowers were used by local doctors to treat several conditions in India. 

Although the use of cannabis as medicine was revealed to the western cultures in the early 19th century. Researches were done and around 100 journals were published to prove its efficacy in the USA and Europe. But the medicinal purpose was limited until in the 1960s both recreational and medicinal cannabis shared the same status. 

Now, that you have familiarised yourself with the history, you know one thing for sure that this plant has been on planet earth for ages. Doctors treated patients when times were immemorial and even in times like now  MMJ doctor in Fullerton can give you the right remedy. 

The Role of Delta-9-THC 

It is one of the primary molecules responsible for the effects of cannabis. Once THC enters the liver it produces another molecule identified as 11-OH-THC. Both the molecules are psychoactive in nature and when they are inside our body they cause a high. 

The process of ingestion starts from the liver and as soon as it enters the brain a euphoria is caused. The journey backward produces another molecule called the 11-COOH-THC. This molecule is non-psychoactive in nature. Eventually, in this journey, the affected parts are provided with relief. The high causing molecules will provide relaxation and even reduce inflammation. 

Now that you know the history, metabolic formation of cannabis and how marijuana tricks your mind in providing instant relief. You can find the best 420 doctors in Fullerton and see if medical marijuana can help treat your condition. Whether it is pain caused due to headaches, arthritis, diabetes, or injuries - medical marijuana could act as your pain-relieving assistant.

How Can Medical Marijuana Evaluations Help To Bring You Out From Alcohol Addictions?

Alcohol Use Disorders might seem to be rare. But, more than 30 millions of Americans have to go through a range of symptoms associated with alcohol addictions.

That’s surely not a small ratio.

And when medical marijuana evaluations have become handy, there is no need to rely on other conventional medications.

Alcohol-Use Disorder in California- The Statistics

The last few years have led to an increase in the number of binge drinking episodes in California.
But, is this situation that bad?


Binge drinking affects both the mind and body of a person. The Alcohol Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism is implying the same results.

The following are the factors that make alcohol addictions a major health concern.

•    Seizure
•    Sleeping Disorders
•    Hallucinations
•    Sudden emotional outbursts
•    Tremors
•    Rapid breathing
•    Panic attacks
•    Irregular heartbeats
•    Increase in Blood pressure

Is Medical Marijuana Useful in Relieving Symptoms of Alcohol Addictions?

Alcohol is a product that modifies the functions of the “reward center’ inside the brain. So, whenever you get yourself into binge drinking, you fail to understand the “self-care” mode for that particular moment.

With medical cannabis, you can get past this stage. As cannabinoids present in the medical cannabis present a set of instructions to the EC system by interacting with cannabinoid receptors.

Thus, promotes the effects such as feelings of self-care, well being, and others.



Hence, going for medical marijuana evaluations can be helpful in the management of alcohol use disorder.

What Does Research Say?

Various research studies indicate that alcohol consumption affects the CB1 receptors of the EC system.

Medical cannabis helps in activating the endocannabinoid system by improving the availability of cannabinoid receptors for maintaining the right balance.

Another study confirmed that CBD rich strains are able to modify the EC system’s circuits. Hence, helped in reviving the cells disrupted by the long-term addiction.

One other study showed that more than 40% of the patients that switched from alcohol to cannabis had lower withdrawal symptoms with fewer side effects.

Not only that, medical marijuana was able to manage symptoms effectively.

Is Medical Cannabis Useful As A Substitution Medication?

Doctors providing medical marijuana evaluations advocate that cannabis is helpful in a range of symptoms significantly.

They are recommending medical cannabis as a substitute medication. The following are some of the studies that established a similar concept to medical cannabis.

•    As per the study in the Journal of Neuroscience, medical cannabis has potent neuroprotective properties. Thus, helpful in reviving the areas damaged by alcohol.

•    Another study published in the Liver International Journal confirmed that consuming cannabis is helpful in reducing the incidences of alcoholic liver damages.

Other than that, medical cannabis is also helpful in reducing the factors responsible for increasing psychological factors such as stress, anxiety, depression.

Don’t let drinking take away the happiness of your life. Instead, choose the healthy way outs such as cannabis. It is helpful in relieving symptoms by reducing the chances of developing any addictions too.

Consult 420 doctors providing medical marijuana evaluations for their handy suggestions.
Stay Healthy!

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Buy Cannabis Strains That Are Popular Among Women With Los Angeles Medical Marijuana Card

Cannabis is legal. And the good news is that anybody can now buy and consume it legally. Ever since the legalization of cannabis, many studies have been conducted that show how beneficial and useful this herb is. Today, it is not uncommon to see people buying and consuming medical marijuana using a Los Angeles medical marijuana card to treat a number of serious medical problems including anxiety, depression, arthritis and chronic pain.

However, not every strain is equally popular. And not every strain has the same effect on every person. After all, there are hundreds of different strains available in the market. According to a recent study, it has been shown that females preference might be quite different from those of males. Let’s see what type of cannabis strains are popular among women. 

The growth of female interest in cannabis

A study conducted by Leafly showed that the growth of female interest in cannabis has increased by 27% in comparison to men. Both men and women are showing significant interest in cannabis and its use, but with the passing of each year number of women interested in cannabis surpassed the number of men interested in cannabis from 75% to 102%. The number is impressive and it’s expected to increase even more by the end of this year.

And why not?

With cannabis market in its initial phase, there are tons of opportunities for females to mark their place as both consumers and creators.

Qualities of Strains that make certain type of strains popular among women:

High-CBD Cannabis

Cannatonic, Harlequin, and Charlotte’s Web are some popular strains that have high-CBD content. Studies show that Cannabidiol or CBD offers anti-anxiety, anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. Jaime Lewis, an entrepreneur and activist said that females often choose cannabis to help treat a number of medical problems such as PMS, breast cancer, anorexia, menstrual cramps, and menopause. Cannabis strains that have high content of CBD can help alleviate the symptoms of pain and discomfort and thus offering a feeling of relaxation and happiness.

Women Enjoy Uplifting Effects and Sativa Strains

Women prefer hybrids and uplifting sativa more than indica strains. Apart from sativa strains, the hybrid strains also provide a pattern of uplifting, happy and euphoric resemblance, making them perfect for women consumers.

Anti-anxiety Strains are More Popular Among Women

High-CBD and uplifting strains have one thing in common i.e. they help alleviate anxiety. As mentioned earlier Jack Herer, Agent Orange, Skywalker, Cannatonic, Harlequin, and Charlotte’s Web all have anti-anxiety effects. ADAA published a report which states that women are more likely to have anxiety disorder as compared to men. This is why strains that help in alleviating the symptoms of anxiety are more appealing to women.

Women Like Fruity and Sweet Flavored Strains

Even Science Daily agrees that women have better sense of taste than men. Don’t feel bad guys, you know it’s true. Most women look for fruity and sweet flavored strains like Agent Orange which has citrus fragrance, Purple Haze which has sweet berry taste, Lemon Kush with sweet citrus mix, Harlequin has flavors of mangoes and Green Crack.

Women often seek high-CBD cannabis strains that provide uplifting, and anti-anxiety effects. Do you prefer any other type of cannabis strain that can be beneficial for your medical condition qualifying for 420 evaluations in Los Angeles? And if so, why? We would love to hear your reviews in the comment section below.  

Patients Are Seeking Medical Marijuana Recommendations For Mood-Related Conditions

Medical cannabis which is rightfully termed as an “elixir”, is being used for management of disorders related to mood more often. This might seem to be an assumption, but as per the article published by CB2 Insights ( A world-renowned brand for providing analytic tools or data-driven software across the world especially for the medical cannabis sector), this is actually a fact.

CB2 Insights has released one of the first reports which include that most people obtaining medical marijuana recommendations are usually for one or the other mood-related condition. The survey was shared by Real-world Evidence.

What is Real-World Evidence?

This is basically the clinical evidence concerning the use of any medical product as per the data provided by the Real-world data (RWD).

What is RWD?

Real world data or RWD includes the data of patient’s health status or health care delivery modes collected from a range of sources. The sources usually include-
  • Electronic health records (EHRs)
  • Claims and billing
  • Registration for Products
  • Patient-generated data
  • Data gathered from other sources that can inform on health status, such as mobile devices

While the evidence can be generated by a number of studies or clinical trials, they are not limited to sample, pragmatic, or observational trials.

How Was The Study Conducted? 

The patients were studied for a period of 4 weeks across 4 states in many evaluation and education centers run by CB2 Insights.

The report was formed after evaluations for around 500 patients across the 4 states. The analysis was done using various factors such as medical marijuana recommendation by certified mmj specialists, symptoms, previous treatments, current treatment plans, and other data points.

About the Report

The evidence was based on the report which was conducted over a span of 4-weeks. It was focussed on the natural inclination towards mental health conditions along with other conditions such as sleep, pain, appetite, and others.

As per the study, it was concluded that mood disorders were among the top medical conditions- approximately 39%, to which patients were seeking consultation by medical marijuana doctors as well as cannabis as medication.

These conditions usually included depression, anxiety, PTSD.

Other Key Findings

Other than anxiety or depression, chronic pain was among the top medical conditions with approximately 33% of patients seeking comfort using cannabis. The conditions include migraines, back pain, or spinal cord injuries.

Followed by these disorders were sleep- disorders which accounted for more than 15% share.


Although more than 30 states have incorporated medical cannabis as an alternative therapy, but only 24 states actually have included mood-disorders as a qualifying condition. And, mostly the condition is limited to PTSD.

So, using such reports, CB2 insights is focusing on bridging the gap within the medical cannabis healthcare industry and qualifying medical conditions.

Also Read: How CBD Can Help Control Your Allergies?

The use of medical cannabis is on the rise in many states for a range of conditions. So, it's essential to understand where can it be useful more than others. For instance, some of the recent studies have confirmed its role as a mediator for killing cancer cells by using its anti-proliferative, anti-inflammatory and some other properties.

Also, the US is progressing towards new states creating guidelines for medical cannabis consumption in their respective states, these reports can be helpful in determining the qualifying conditions.

Also, if you are looking for medical marijuana recommendations for any life-threatening disorder or any other disorder which is preventing you from doing even the daily tasks, then consulting medical marijuana doctors in California or your respective states will be highly beneficial.