In case you have come across this article, we assume you already possess a fair amount of knowledge about medical cannabis. In case you don’t, you could visit the blog section of our website for additional information.
You’ve doubted it, you’ve delayed it, and you’ve had the feeling that you don’t need it. But the truth has stood the test of time, hasn’t it? Getting a 420 recommendation online in 2018 is a smart decision. It’s practical, it’s affordable and it’s probably the most wallet-friendly decision marijuana users will make this year.
In case you’re still not convinced, we have the feeling that our previous blog post will convince you otherwise.
We don’t want you to wait any longer to receive the medical assistance you and your loved ones deserve. So, without further ado, let’s begin with what you’ve wanted to know all along.
Here are 5 common questions new MMJ users have and their answers.
Q. 1 Recreational cannabis is legal throughout California, why would I still need an MMJ card?
While you may be right about the legalization of recreational cannabis, but don’t be fooled by the lucrative headlines. Individuals who are eligible for cannabis purchase recreationally would have to bear the brunt of paying additional sales tax on their purchase as well. Medical cardholders are eligible to receive up to 25% savings on their marijuana purchase.
If this wasn’t enough, keep in mind that a 420 evaluation is all you need to enjoy a host of advantages such as flying with medical cannabis throughout the state, possess up to 8 times more than recreational users and of course, get the specialized medical care for their medical condition.
Q.2 Is there a comprehensive list of the benefits of having a medical marijuana recommendation?
With a medical card, MMJ users can receive the following benefits:
- 25% tax savings on their average marijuana spending.
- Ability to grow up to 100 square feet of marijuana plants.
- Better access to cannabis products, price options as compared to recreational marijuana users.
- Helping patients use cannabis at just 18 years of age.
- No legal repercussions in carrying medical cannabis on flights in and out of California.
- Entitlement to get cannabis gifts and from top California medical cannabis dispensaries.
Q.3 How to get a medical cannabis evaluation in California?
California’s cannabis laws require users to get a recommendation from a licensed physician before they can start using medical cannabis.
But be forewarned, not all medical professionals possess the same experience and knowledge to help you receive the treatment that is right for you. This is where Online Medical Card can help. We provide personalized treatment plans for our patients, after paying due consideration to their medical history and offering assistance in every step of the way. Our core belief is that, marijuana has the healing ability to help patients recover from the most debilitating health conditions. Hence, we take every step necessary to bridge the gap between ailment and recovery.
Q. 4 What are the qualifying health conditions for using medical marijuana?
The major health conditions for which medical cannabis can be prescribed includes:
- Cancer
- Insomnia
- Chronic pain
- Spasticity
- Cachexia
- Muscle spasms, including those associated with multiple sclerosis
- Seizures, including, but not limited to, those associated with epilepsy
- Autism
- Epilepsy
- Migraine
- Lack of Appetite
Any other chronic or persistent medical symptom that substantially limits the ability of the person to conduct one or more major life activities (as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990) or, if not alleviated, may cause serious harm to the patient’s safety or physical or mental health
Q. 5 How does makes your 420 evaluation effortless?
OnlineMedicalCard’ s three-step application process takes only 10 minutes of your time and simply requires you to complete our simple 3 step process:
- Filling out your health details on our website’s application form.
- Receiving a video chat from our licensed MMJ doctor.
- Obtainment of your medical card on your email address and mail address.
You know the benefits. You know the rules. All you need now is some initiative to contact our medical representatives. We’ll take care of the rest.